On the 14th of July, 2018 KINEMASTIK brought you The Wizard of Goz, a one night only event aimed at children between 3 and 12 years of age.
This event made for the children of Gozo and the rest of the world, was a lovingly selected programme of playful short films for children, tackling the subject of magic and modern wizardry, whether it’s making something from nothing, seeing the things around you differently or the beauty of the way we move and the world that surrounds us.
We aimed to prove that magic is all around us everyday – you just have to look.
The programme lasted for about 1 hour. We gave out Kapes, glowing wands and magic beans. A good time was had by all.
This magical night took place in the amphitheatre on the top of Għammar Hill, opposite Ta’ Pinu church. This area is known as The Way of the Cross. Once our audience arrived at the bottom of the hill, there were Suzuki Wizard jeeps, transporting people up the hill (and later down the hill).
This event was supported by V18 and Arts Council Malta through the Cultural Partnership Agreement.